So you’ve obtained your free credit report that is allowed to you once per year via and discovered that there are serious errors on your credit report. You have scoured the Internet in search for help from companies and law firms who charge a hefty fee to correct your credit. A fee such as $99.00 to start a service on top of $99.00 per month until your credit is corrected (which could take upwards of one year!) So What Do You Do Now? Load up your printer ink and buy … [Read more...]
It is never too late to change your Financial Game Plan
You can choose to get out of debt no matter your age. You can choose to be wealthy no matter how close to retirement you are. You even can choose to start a financial game plan even if you didn't have one before such as investing in a college fund even when your kid is in high school! But you have to choose that path and choose it right now. Here are some choices you can make right now to change your life for the better and bring a little extra cash or pay off some debt. Just pick one -- not … [Read more...]
Dealing With Your Personal Finance Holiday Hangover
Ahhhh the New Year is up on us! 2012 here we come! Now that your Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Winter Solstice gifts are unwrapped, the fruit cake from Aunt June is put away to age for the rest of eternity, you finally have a moment of clarity! Holy crap! I have credit card bills on their way. I have to pay for all of these merry festivities now! Not to fret, we’re here to make some sense of it for you, and to give you some guidance so that you don’t go as crazy as “Cousin Eddie” standing in the … [Read more...]
20 Tips To Save Money
Finding ways to save money is not always an easy process, let alone taking the time to find the best money market rate and set up a money market account or savings account. There are many people that are confused as to how they can save money and they do not budget properly, making it harder and harder for them to put away anything in money market accounts. So what can you do in order to build up a nice nest egg? Here are some great tips on how to save money that will really be able to help … [Read more...]
The Ins & Outs Of Vehicle Repossession
If you are a fan of “trueTV” (like me), you probably have seen a variety of people behaving badly during a vehicle repossession. Although they are very entertaining and quite humorous, vehicle repossession is serious business, and you need to understand a few things. First of all, if the repo man is at your door, arguing is pointless, the repossession order has been signed even before he got to your location, arguing will do you no good. Just let them do their job and take the car! You do not … [Read more...]