Dear Christine, I am completely unsatisfied with my job. I make a lot of money because I have been here so long so it is hard to leave. Plus I worked hard to be where I am now. But I dread going in every day. I just turned 38 and I am worried that it is too late to start over. “A career in jeopardy” Dear "career in jeopardy," I understand how hard it can be going everyday to a job that makes you unhappy. We have all had a job or two like that but we were conflicted because the … [Read more...]
Help! I don’t have any money saved for my kid’s college! (Part Three)
An article by BudgetQueen All the planning, scrimping and saving is great, but remember that you are not the one who will ultimately be in charge of this kid’s future – he or she will be. I have spoken to some financially-strapped parents that have given me some great ideas on how they plan to tackle planning for college for the kids, while encouraging his or her kid to be responsible as well. Look through each and find what may work for you. You may even have a better idea of what is best for … [Read more...]
Am I better off financially than I was last year?
An article by BudgetQueen Sometimes it feels as if you are treading water financially. It seems that you are in the exact same spot as you were six months ago, or a year ago, or two years ago. But oftentimes you are better than you were just a few months ago. It is important to recognize your small achievements, because with several more small achievements you will be well on your way to being where you need to be. Take a minute. Take two to realize what you have achieved in the past year. … [Read more...]
What is the job market like out there? An insider’s perspective
An article by BudgetQueen If you are out looking for a job right now, I don’t need to tell you that it is tough right now. I interviewed a friend who even with an impressive resume didn’t get her first job offer for six months. There is hope though! She says that she has seen a lot more offered for her field in the last couple of weeks. However, she also has found that the interview questions are getting tougher. I interviewed her to see if we can get any insight on what challenges she … [Read more...]
My husband refers to our money as "his" money!
Dear Christine, My husband and I saved up for years so I could stay home when we have kids. Now that we have had our first baby, and it is down to one income, my husband is suddenly referring to our money as “his” money. He will say phrases like, “I make the money. I should be able to decide if we need that or not.” Or, “I don’t want you to spend any more of my money on baby clothes.” He is successful, but I was also very successful at what I did and I made a lot of money so it is hard to … [Read more...]