To have money set aside for your retirement you need to carefully invest your money. Most people have a checking account and a savings account but not everyone will focus on saving money or shopping around for the best rates to try and earn more money. If your employer provides a retirement account, it is a wise idea to invest in it as some will do matching contributions up to 3% in most industries. There are several different options that you can use in order to set aside money for your … [Read more...]
How to Find the Best Money Market Rates
Anyone that has extra cash and wants to earn interest money on it may consider opening a money market account. Money market rates aren't too terribly impressive right now, however compared to the national average of savings accounts, opening a high yield money market account is well worth the few minutes it takes to sign up. Money market accounts allow you to earn more interest than you otherwise would just holding onto your money, and they're risk free! Currently, the highest money market … [Read more...]
High Yield Money Market Accounts 2011
Aurora Bank’s Money Market Account
Best Money Market Rates in 2011
Below is a rate sorted chart of the current best money market rates and savings account rates available nationwide. RATE (APY) MIN. DEPOSIT BANK or Credit Union 1.10% $5,000 EBSB Direct 1.07% $1,500 EverBank 1.05% $2,500 Hudson City Bank 1.04% $1 Ally Bank 0.90% $250 Tennessee Commerce Bank Feel free to submit a rate or a bank deal that you find at: … [Read more...]