In order to find the best online savings account rates it is important to understand how online accounts may differ from your local bank and why you may be able to acquire higher interest rates online. Many of the accounts that are offered online will include higher interest rates based on the type of investments that particular bank is using. In order to select the appropriate bank it is important that you check on the track record of the bank and to understand what type of features their … [Read more...]
Online Money Market Accounts
The technology of today makes it even easier to access bank accounts and know exactly what is going on with your money. Because of the internet, the variety of banks you are able to choose from has expanded. You don't have to choose a bank just because it is the closest one to you. Most banks offer online accounts and money market accounts are one typical provided to apply for online. What is a Money Market Account A money market account is an account offered through banks as a way to … [Read more...]
Western Union Prepaid Card
With the recent news that in the near future most banks will be adding a debit card fee to any account with a debit card, you might be looking for a way to avoid those new fees. One way you may avoid fees is to use the prepaid card from Western Union. This card will allow you to avoid the new fees attached with debit cards, and other fees as well. The Benefits One of the greatest benefits of the Western Union Prepaid card is that the fees for this card are very minimal. There are no … [Read more...]
The Truth About High Risk Loan Companies
What Is A High Risk Loan? A high risk loan also known as a Payday Loan, is a short-term loan meant to carry the borrower for only a couple weeks or maybe a month. Regulation and legislation of these types of loans varies from community to community. To prevent usury (unreasonable and excessive rates of interest), some communities limit the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) that any lender, including payday lenders, can charge. Some communities outlaw payday lending entirely, and some have very few … [Read more...]
How to Protect Your Identity For Free
Key Statistics 11.1 million adults were victims of identity theft in 2009 The total fraud amount was $54 billion The average victim spent 21 hours and $373 out of pocket resolving the crime 4.8% of the population was a victim of identity fraud in 2009 13% of identity fraud crimes were committed by someone the victim knew The Most Common Types of Identity Theft While working as a credit repair expert, I encountered many clients who were victims of identity theft of some kind. The … [Read more...]