Are you searching for a fixed rate investment account to use? When you are expanding your investment portfolio, you need to search for certain investments that are going to provide you with safety and security. What are some of the best fixed rate investments to use when you are trying to save money and to help you reduce the risk burden in your investment portfolio? Here are some of the options that you can use: Municipal bonds. The municipal bonds are great options to use as they allow you … [Read more...]
Keeping Your Retirement Accounts Safe
When it comes to planning for your retirement you need to have a good financial advisor. It is important that you understand how much money you should be saving and which type of account you need to be using to properly save your money for retirement. Contact a strong investment company like Lefavi Wealth Management to help you understand how to properly plan for your retirement. Did you know that about 45% of all individuals currently working will not have enough money saved up for retirement? … [Read more...]
Prepare Yourself For A Forced Retirement
For many people, there are many different things that can occur with your financial situation and can leave you dealing with a difficult situation such as a forced retirement. Having a forced retirement can be traumatic and difficult to deal with. Many baby boomers are in the situation where they are being forced into retirement, which can be hard to deal with. This means that you are no longer adding to your income and you are being forced to live off what you have hopefully been diligent about … [Read more...]
What does a 401K have in common with a cherry tree?
An article by BudgetQueen What is stopping you from investing in your 401K? Is it possible that you are contributing too much to your 401K? Is a 401K always the best investment for you? Well let’s sit down and talk… A lot of people have fears about investing in today’s economy. Or perhaps you had a 401K once and you cashed it in, or lost a lot of money on it so you quit investing. Or if you have a 401K believe it or not, you may be even contributing too much to it! Regardless, a 401K is an … [Read more...]
How can a Financial Advisor help me? (The basics)
If someone asked how you were doing financially, what would you say? You don't need to answer because I know that very few people have everything they need for a financially stable home. I know I don't. Just like dentists probably don't floss every night, financial advisors don't do everything they tell you to do either. What they can do is get you started on the right path by alerting you to "leaks in the boat," or turn an old sinking investment into something that is much more profitable. … [Read more...]