How much money is your high interest rate money market account providing you with? If you do not compare rates often, you could be losing out on a lot of earnings with your money market account. Using a money market account, you can greatly increase your savings just by adding money to the account each month. Many people use automatic deposits in order to help them grow their money market account. Local Bank Vs. Online Banks Many local banks will provide high interest rate money market … [Read more...]
ING Money Market Account – Now Capital One 360
If you have a savings account, you need to consider transferring it over to an ING money market account. Recently Capital One merged with ING Direct. At ING you will be able to earn up to 5 times the national savings rate, allowing you to maximize your investment in a hurry. A money market account is a great investment as it is relatively low risk and it does provide you with a great option to help you save money quickly. When comparing rates on money market accounts you will see that ING is … [Read more...]
Investing In The Best Money Market Savings Accounts
The best money market savings accounts are those that will be able to provide you with great interest rates, excellent customer service, minimal or no fees, and are backed by the FDIC. The reason to consider shopping online for savings accounts is to ensure that you are getting the best savings account rates possible. Traditional savings accounts are not going to provide you with higher interest rates that you will be able to get from a money market account. The best money market savings … [Read more...]
Money Market Accounts Highest Rates
Money always seems to be on our mind. Either we are thinking about it because we don't have enough or because we are wondering the most effective way into invest our money. Investing in an account with the highest money market interest rates is one way to invest your money and allow you to stop worrying about it. Money Market Accounts Most banks across America offer some type of a money market account. These accounts are set up as an account to help you save money. Money market accounts … [Read more...]
How Does a Money Market Account Work?
Anyone hoping to save a lot of money and gain a lot of interest needs to consider opening a money market account. Money market accounts are similar to savings accounts but the interest rate is much higher and there are other stipulations as well including the following:· Higher minimum balance requirements (typically $1,000 deposit is required to open the account).3 to 6 withdrawals per monthATM withdrawls are unlimited3 checks can be written per monthSome banks will offer debit card … [Read more...]