It’s nice to go away on a vacation once and awhile as it can recharge your energy and will help you to refocus on your life. Many people choose to go on several vacations a year where others will save up for just one or two vacations. If you want to go on a vacation but your budget is tight, it is a good idea to look for easy ways to save money while vacationing. Establish A Budget Before you head out on vacation you need to have a budget set in stone. This budget will need to include things … [Read more...]
The Best Fixed Rate Investments
Are you searching for a fixed rate investment account to use? When you are expanding your investment portfolio, you need to search for certain investments that are going to provide you with safety and security. What are some of the best fixed rate investments to use when you are trying to save money and to help you reduce the risk burden in your investment portfolio? Here are some of the options that you can use: Municipal bonds. The municipal bonds are great options to use as they allow you … [Read more...]
How do I overcome a BIG financial mistake?
An article by BudgetQueen To me, finances are like a giant game of Blackjack. You play the odds, but sometimes you still go with your gut. Sometimes you lose. Sometimes you win. To win at Blackjack, you just have to win more often than you lose. After you lose a hand you get wiser and make better decisions. Sometimes if you lose too much, you may need to even walk away. Finances are the same thing. You cannot always win. You get laid off, the economy is tough, or your house goes down in value. … [Read more...]
How much is that pet really going to cost me?
An article by BudgetQueen When I got my puppy Billy at the Humane Society, they made me sign a waiver that I understood that he would cost me an average of $800 a year for food, shots and regular care. It seems like a lot at the time, but eleven years later all I can say is that was a serious UNDER estimate of what he actually cost me. No one loves animals more than I do, but also I know how much my pets have cost me over the years including an $800 fence, a $1600 large wire dog cage (when … [Read more...]
Should I lend my friend money?
An article by BudgetQueen At some point in our lives, we will borrow money. It could be from the bank, from our parents, or even from a friend. This could be anything from going to school, to buying a house, or even help paying bills. Sometimes we are extremely grateful. Most times we pay it back. At other points in our lives we will be compelled to loan another person money. On one hand you could be helping him or her tremendously, and it his can bring you closer. However, it can also ruin … [Read more...]
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