A great way to grow your money is by investing it into the Ally money market account. Ally Bank has continued to provide customers with high interest rates on savings accounts and remain at the top of online comparison charts for their higher interest rates and excellent account features. When you open a money market account with Ally Bank, here are a few of the features you can expect to see: No minimum deposit requirement No fees to maintain the account Daily compounded interest FDIC … [Read more...]
Ally Bank’s Money Market Account with Debit Card (Rate Update)
Rate Update: 1 30, 2017: 1.00% APY (current rate) Nov 24, 2010: 1.09% APY Nov 06 2010: 1.19% APY Sep 03, 2010: 1.25% APY Looking for an account that offers the flexibility of a check card and still earns a higher rate than your traditional savings account? Then take a look at . A money market account is a form of savings account with higher interest rates than a regular savings account. A money market account isn’t to be confused with a money market fund, which is a mutual fund … [Read more...]