An article by BudgetQueen Do you remember your first credit card? You know --the one that kept you from starving in college, and helped build your credit as a young adult? I still have mine. Every time I call customer service for this card, they seem to be impressed that I have been a member for 20 years (mostly because that was before they were born). As an adult, this card still made me smile! I carefully watched as my reward points accumulated and I could get that $10 coffee card at the end … [Read more...]
Save hundreds by avoiding the gym; instead go to the recreation center!
An article by BudgetQueen I did it once. My husband and I blew over $600 for a year's membership to the gym. It was a lot but I convinced myself it was cheaper than buying just one machine. I did really well at first. It was cold outside, but it was nice in there. There were televisions and treadmills. If I couldn’t sleep one night I went there -- it was open at 3:00am! I felt like a slob in my gray sweats and wrinkled t-shirts, compared to the ladies in there with outfits that had to cost … [Read more...]
Best Money Market Rates in 2011
Below is a rate sorted chart of the current best money market rates and savings account rates available nationwide. RATE (APY) MIN. DEPOSIT BANK or Credit Union 1.10% $5,000 EBSB Direct 1.07% $1,500 EverBank 1.05% $2,500 Hudson City Bank 1.04% $1 Ally Bank 0.90% $250 Tennessee Commerce Bank Feel free to submit a rate or a bank deal that you find at: … [Read more...]