The best money market savings accounts are those that will be able to provide you with great interest rates, excellent customer service, minimal or no fees, and are backed by the FDIC. The reason to consider shopping online for savings accounts is to ensure that you are getting the best savings account rates possible. Traditional savings accounts are not going to provide you with higher interest rates that you will be able to get from a money market account. The best money market savings … [Read more...]
How to Get the Best Return on Your Money
To have money set aside for your retirement you need to carefully invest your money. Most people have a checking account and a savings account but not everyone will focus on saving money or shopping around for the best rates to try and earn more money. If your employer provides a retirement account, it is a wise idea to invest in it as some will do matching contributions up to 3% in most industries. There are several different options that you can use in order to set aside money for your … [Read more...]
Have A CD That Will Expire Soon?
What happens when you have a CD that will expire soon? Should you cash out the money or reinvest the funds into another CD? It is always important to compare rates online to find out which banks are offering the best interest rates on CDs and other investments. You need to be able to find an investment that is going to provide you with the right type of interest rate for your account, giving you the best returns possible for your investments. Here are some suggestions on what you should do with … [Read more...]