To find the best savings account you need to learn how to shop around. It helps to consider all of your options in order to find an account that will give you a higher interest rate along with flexible loan terms. Typically the best savings account rates are found online. It helps to compare rates in order to see which banks can provide you with a higher rate and will be able to offer other options like an account incentive or the ability to waive fees. Using A Savings Account A savings … [Read more...]
Finding the Best Savings Account Available
Saving money is one of those things we know we should all be doing, but how many of us really are? It might be hard to just make ends meet, but if you have any extra money, find the best savings account and start investing now! How to Start Saving When it comes to saving money, what works for one person might not work for another. Some people enjoy having a budget to follow, knowing where every cent is going, while others live life more free. Some people find joy in balancing a … [Read more...]
2.79% APY with a Rainbow Savings Plan
Wilshire Bank is enticing savers with tantalizing savings rates from 1.77% up to 2.79% APY. The Rainbow Savings plan is a contract where you agree to setup monthly automatic transfers into the Rainbow Savings Account of a predetermined amount and for a predetermined amount of time. According to a CSR (customer service representative) you cannot put a lump sum in the Rainbow Savings Account, you can only make the scheduled monthly deposits. You will earn 0.26% APY more for opening a checking … [Read more...]