An article by BudgetQueen A while ago I was approached by someone who was living paycheck to paycheck who was considering “playing the system," (such as not reporting income tax) when she found out that her husband was going to receive another pay cut. This extreme situation is wrong to most of us, but people can be pushed to the extreme in some cases. There is always a better alternative to “playing the system." To get out of a bad place financially often is just a matter of … [Read more...]
My husband refers to our money as "his" money!
Dear Christine, My husband and I saved up for years so I could stay home when we have kids. Now that we have had our first baby, and it is down to one income, my husband is suddenly referring to our money as “his” money. He will say phrases like, “I make the money. I should be able to decide if we need that or not.” Or, “I don’t want you to spend any more of my money on baby clothes.” He is successful, but I was also very successful at what I did and I made a lot of money so it is hard to … [Read more...]
You Can Survive on One Income
If you have ever gone from two incomes to one, you understand how painful it can be financially. I am someone who has worked, and worked hard since I was 16. Work became a big part of my life. However, recently I started my own business and we had to go down to one income. On two incomes you have a “lifestyle.” You go out to eat a couple times a week when you are busy. You have lunch with the girls. You see a movie the night it hits the big screen. You have things set up comfortably. But life … [Read more...]
Facing your “champagne budget” friends with your “beer budget”
We all have them – the successful friend that seem to have oozed success out of his or her pores since they left college. They are the friends that are already the bank presidents or the senior partners in the accounting firms.Sometimes these friends like to spend a lot of money when they play. Sometimes you feel like you need to spend as much money as they do to keep up with them.But don't break the bank to play with them, or let the salary difference get in the way of having a good time with … [Read more...]
It is never too late to change your Financial Game Plan
You can choose to get out of debt no matter your age. You can choose to be wealthy no matter how close to retirement you are. You even can choose to start a financial game plan even if you didn't have one before such as investing in a college fund even when your kid is in high school! But you have to choose that path and choose it right now. Here are some choices you can make right now to change your life for the better and bring a little extra cash or pay off some debt. Just pick one -- not … [Read more...]