A great way to grow interest money on some extra cash you have is to place this money into a high yield CD account. CNB Bank Direct is currently offering 1.00% APY on a 12 month CD. This is an enticing offer to many investors that are looking for ways to grow some money in their rainy-day accounts. The high yield CD account from CNB Bank Direct is one of many different accounts that are currently on promotional offers.Risks To High Yield CD AccountsWhen it comes to investing your money you have … [Read more...]
Why Are Money Market Accounts Becoming More Popular than CDs?
A recent study by Market Rates Insight (San Anselmo, California) showed an increase in bank customers choosing money market accounts over CDs. Here is a quick summary of the study for the second half of 2010: Deposits in money market accounts rose by 2.6% or $138 billion Time Deposits (CDs) dropped by a whopping 8.5% or $200 billion Savings Accounts increased by $76 billion Checking account deposits moved up by $43 billion So why are people moving their savings from CDs to money … [Read more...]