The average college graduate will end up with about $19,000 in debt. This debt usually comes from student loans but it can also come from credit cards and poor money management. It is important to manage your money wisely in college so you do not live paycheck to paycheck once you graduate. In some cases student loans are necessary and it is likely that you will plan on having $150,000 in debt when you graduate with a doctorate or another post-graduate degree. Good financial advisors will be … [Read more...]
UFB Direct Airline Rewards Savings Account
One of the best ways to protect yourself financially is by opening a savings account. A savings account is a great way to set aside money for a rainy day fund along with the ability to earn money just by placing it in an account. High yield savings accounts will provide you with higher interest rates from a traditional savings account. The UFB Direct Airline Rewards Savings Account is one of the few savings accounts out there that is providing customers with a 1.30% APY. Not only do you have the … [Read more...]
SMART College Savings Account- Extraordinary Yields
Whether you are a parent or a child, a common worry is how you are going to pay for college? Getting an education is expensive, but the SMART Savings account offered through Ultima Bank of Minnesota can make it easy to save up for college. Ultima Bank is offering one of the highest savings rates of 2011, making saving for college simple, rewarding, and hassle free. SMART Savings SMART savings stands for: School Money At Right Time. This savings account is designed for anyone who is 18 years … [Read more...]