When you think about earning high interest rates on your money, you usually think of accounts like stocks and bonds, or even CDs and money market accounts. But, with the high yield checking account being offered from Community Bank of Pleasant Hill, you can consider your checking account as an interest earning account. The Bank It is always smart to know who exactly you are investing your money with. Community Bank of Pleasant Hill was started by business men, chairmen and bankers in 2006 as … [Read more...]
ABCO Federal Credit Union High Yield Rewards Checking
In many cases finding a checking account that doesn’t charge a monthly fee can be difficult. The ABCO Federal Credit Union High Yield Rewards Checking account is one of the few accounts that does not charge a monthly fee for normal use. These checking accounts are designed to provide a larger APY for balances over $25,000. In order to acquire the advertised 2.52% APY you will need to meet the following stipulations: 1 direct deposit or direct debit post 10 debit card purchases 1 … [Read more...]
Incredible Bank’s New 12 and 18 Month CD Rates and Checking Account
Incredible Bank is getting media attention for it’s no-strings-attached high interest checking account currently offering 1.35% APY and has a $1,000 minimum deposit. Incredible Bank has recently increased their 12 Month CD APY by 0.15%, from 1.30% to a much more competitive 1.45% APY. The Bank is also introducing a new 18 month CD with a competitive interest rate as well. The interest rate for each of these CD’s are as follows: - 12 Month CD at 1.45% APY - 18 … [Read more...]