The average college graduate will end up with about $19,000 in debt. This debt usually comes from student loans but it can also come from credit cards and poor money management. It is important to manage your money wisely in college so you do not live paycheck to paycheck once you graduate. In some cases student loans are necessary and it is likely that you will plan on having $150,000 in debt when you graduate with a doctorate or another post-graduate degree. Good financial advisors will be … [Read more...]
High Yield Savings Account from CNB Bank Direct
You never know when when you'll need to rely upon your savings account to make ends meet. Finding a high yield savings account can help you save even more money by paying you back in higher interest rates. CNB Bank Direct is offering a high yield savings account to get you started on your savings goals. Who is CNB Bank Direct? CNB Bank Direct is based out of Bluffton, Ohio. CNB Bank Direct was started in 2008 and offered bank accounts that could be opened and start earning interest for only … [Read more...]
Smart Ways to Save Money
How much money are you setting aside into your savings account? If you are not saving money, you could be leaving yourself vulnerable in the event of a large financial problem such as a job loss or medical expenses. Saving at least 10% of each paycheck is a great start to help you start focusing on saving money and building a large emergency cash reserve. Most banks will offer a free savings account when you open a checking account with them but the interest rate on the savings may be very low. … [Read more...]
Why Choose a High-Yield Savings Account
There are numerous options available to save your money but out of all the options the thing that will impact how much you can earn is the interest rate. Selecting a high-yield savings account is one of the best ways to save up for a rainy day and to also focus on earning more money than you can with a traditional savings account. Traditional Savings Account When you open a savings account with a traditional bank you are often stuck with a very small interest rate. The average interest rate … [Read more...]
American Express Money Market & High-Yield Savings Rates Review
Update: is now paying . Banks across the board have been lowering their savings rates, but has been holding their rates high for longer periods of time. From March 2010 to March 2011 American Express kept their savings account rate firm at 1.30%. In March 2011, they finally adjusted their rate down by 0.15% to . American Express currently offers a high yield savings account/money market account that pays . This is a competitive rate for the current interest rate environment. Benefits of … [Read more...]