An article by BudgetQueen You get that offer in the mail from either your credit card or a new credit card to transfer an existing balance with no APR for several months. You think to yourself: “Yes, I do pay a lot of interest every month on my credit card. What if I transferred the balance to the new card? What can it hurt?” Well I am here to discuss the ins and outs of balance transfers. Yes, I have done it as well. I have done it successfully, but I have also noticed the little traps that … [Read more...]
ING Money Market Account – Now Capital One 360
If you have a savings account, you need to consider transferring it over to an ING money market account. Recently Capital One merged with ING Direct. At ING you will be able to earn up to 5 times the national savings rate, allowing you to maximize your investment in a hurry. A money market account is a great investment as it is relatively low risk and it does provide you with a great option to help you save money quickly. When comparing rates on money market accounts you will see that ING is … [Read more...]