Saving money is one of the best financial decisions you can make. You want to save money for your retirement but also to save money for emergencies and short-term goals like buying a car. If you find that it can be difficult for you to save money, it helps to know what type of options you have. Learning how you can invest your money and earn higher interest rates to grow a nice sum of money wisely. Here are some tips that will help you to properly save money. Automatic Savings Plan A great way … [Read more...]
Learn To Save Money, Learn To Make More Money
Want to learn how to save money? You have to have a good income source if you hope to save money. Do you have a job that provides for all of your needs and then offers you additional money to put towards your savings account? If you are barely living paycheck to paycheck you need to consider your other options that are available to help you pay down your debts and to put more money toward your savings account. There are also some simple changes that you can do that will enable you to save money. … [Read more...]
Making Plans For Your Tax Refund
Having a tax refund is always a welcome thing! What are you planning to do with your tax refund? Are you going to invest the money? Do you plan on taking it and spending it on something you have always wanted? How about taking a large portion of money and saving it or using the money to pay off your debt? It is a good idea to make plans for your tax refund so you can take advantage of this money instead of wasting it. Here are some ways in which you can properly use your tax refund this year!Tip … [Read more...]
International Bank Of Chicago CD
Are you looking for a good CD to invest your money into? A certificate of deposit is a great option to consider as it provides you with a higher interest rate for your savings compared to investing your money into other accounts like traditional savings with interest rates of less than .25%. One bank that you might consider investing your money with is the International Bank of Chicago (IBC).Why IBC?Compare CD rates online and you will see that IBC offers one of the highest interest rates out … [Read more...]
What Debt Really Does To You
There are millions of Americans that are swimming in debt and don’t know how to break the debt cycle. If you pay off one credit card and then find yourself using it again when you have other debts to pay back, you haven’t learned from your poor spending habits in the past and will continue the debt cycle for years. There are many people that try to justify debt and to claim that some debts are good and others are bad. Having a little debt on your credit card is “normal” right? Well if you cannot … [Read more...]