Saving money is one of the best financial decisions you can make. You want to save money for your retirement but also to save money for emergencies and short-term goals like buying a car. If you find that it can be difficult for you to save money, it helps to know what type of options you have. Learning how you can invest your money and earn higher interest rates to grow a nice sum of money wisely. Here are some tips that will help you to properly save money. Automatic Savings Plan A great way … [Read more...]
How To Maintain A High Credit Score
When it comes to dealing with your credit, it is important that you know what to do. Having a high credit rating is essential to your overall financial health as it can determine a number of things from your ability to get a mortgage to even getting a job. For most people, debt is the reason why their credit rating is poor. Debt is an unfortunate necessity as you often need it for mortgages and car loans but you can avoid certain debts like credit cards and personal loans that can really hurt … [Read more...]
How Do You Choose A Good Mortgage Lender?
Are you looking for a good mortgage lender to work with? Finding the right mortgage lender is one of the most important things as they will approve you for the loan but they also aid in helping you get a low interest rate on the mortgage and prevent you from paying fees and other things. How can you choose a good mortgage lender? Here are some tips that can help you out. First, you need to get started by comparing rates. Compare mortgage rates online to see which banks are offering the lowest … [Read more...]
Is now the best time to buy a house?
When I bought a house for the first time 15 years ago, the best mortgage rate I could get on my $130,000 fixer-upper (with a $10,000 down payment) was 6.8% fixed. That didn’t sound so bad at the time – mostly because that was the lowest rate available. I soon realized that if I used the full 30 years to pay it off, with compounding interest, I would have ended up paying over $302,500! That is well over double the amount of the original price of my house. Fortunately I was able to refinance over … [Read more...]
International Bank Of Chicago CD
Are you looking for a good CD to invest your money into? A certificate of deposit is a great option to consider as it provides you with a higher interest rate for your savings compared to investing your money into other accounts like traditional savings with interest rates of less than .25%. One bank that you might consider investing your money with is the International Bank of Chicago (IBC).Why IBC?Compare CD rates online and you will see that IBC offers one of the highest interest rates out … [Read more...]
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