Saving money is one of the best financial decisions you can make. You want to save money for your retirement but also to save money for emergencies and short-term goals like buying a car. If you find that it can be difficult for you to save money, it helps to know what type of options you have. Learning how you can invest your money and earn higher interest rates to grow a nice sum of money wisely. Here are some tips that will help you to properly save money. Automatic Savings Plan A great way … [Read more...]
What does a 401K have in common with a cherry tree?
An article by BudgetQueen What is stopping you from investing in your 401K? Is it possible that you are contributing too much to your 401K? Is a 401K always the best investment for you? Well let’s sit down and talk… A lot of people have fears about investing in today’s economy. Or perhaps you had a 401K once and you cashed it in, or lost a lot of money on it so you quit investing. Or if you have a 401K believe it or not, you may be even contributing too much to it! Regardless, a 401K is an … [Read more...]
Best Places To Save Money In Your 20’s and 30’s
Saving money is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family. Young investors often struggle when it comes to saving their money and knowing where to save their money. If you are looking for places to save money in your 20’s and 30’s, here are some great options to consider. Savings Account Everyone of every age needs to have a savings account. Most banks will provide you with a free savings account when you open a checking account. Having a savings account is vital … [Read more...]
Why Choose a High-Yield Savings Account
There are numerous options available to save your money but out of all the options the thing that will impact how much you can earn is the interest rate. Selecting a high-yield savings account is one of the best ways to save up for a rainy day and to also focus on earning more money than you can with a traditional savings account. Traditional Savings Account When you open a savings account with a traditional bank you are often stuck with a very small interest rate. The average interest rate … [Read more...]
How to Get the Best Return on Your Money
To have money set aside for your retirement you need to carefully invest your money. Most people have a checking account and a savings account but not everyone will focus on saving money or shopping around for the best rates to try and earn more money. If your employer provides a retirement account, it is a wise idea to invest in it as some will do matching contributions up to 3% in most industries. There are several different options that you can use in order to set aside money for your … [Read more...]