Are you searching for a fixed rate investment account to use? When you are expanding your investment portfolio, you need to search for certain investments that are going to provide you with safety and security. What are some of the best fixed rate investments to use when you are trying to save money and to help you reduce the risk burden in your investment portfolio? Here are some of the options that you can use: Municipal bonds. The municipal bonds are great options to use as they allow you … [Read more...]
Wealth is oozing from your pores!
You say that you are not smart financially. I say that you are wealthier than the average Joe and I will show it to you. If you take a close look at a financial advisor, you will see that they struggle with everyday bills. They have student loans and house payments. Many of them even have credit card debt! You, like they, have wealth. You just need to find it. You have wealth that you may not even realize. Your wealth, like your dreams, is different than your friends or neighbors. Some of these … [Read more...]
The Pros And Cons To Money Market Accounts
A money market account allows you to deposit money and earn a higher interest rate than you would if you invested money into a traditional savings account. Money market accounts are commonly considered short-term investment options and great places to store emergency cash. In order to use a money market account correctly you will need to agree to the terms and conditions which may include details pertaining to a minimum monthly balance amount and only having 6 or less withdrawals per month. … [Read more...]
Is Your Money Market Account Safe?
Investing is a great way to have money set aside for retirement and a money market account is a great way to earn some extra interest money on your emergency cash fund. Like any investment you need to consider the security of your investment. Is your investment in a money market account safe? The simple answer is YES. Typically money invested into money market accounts will be safe and protected as most of the companies offering them are backed by the FDIC. However money invested into a money … [Read more...]
Helping With Elderly Parents Finances
Caring for your elderly parents finances can be a tricky situation. Having the conversation with them about paying their bills and saving money in savings accounts, money market accounts, or cd accounts is not going to be easy but there comes a time when you do need to take over. Seniors are constantly targeted for fraudulent investments and many times their trusting nature and poor memory can lead seniors to lose thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Power Of Attorney It is important … [Read more...]