Variable life insurance provides financial security to your loved ones in the event of your untimely death. Unlike other forms of life insurance, variable life insurance includes an investment option. Variable life insurance falls under the category of whole life insurance as it will allow you to have life insurance coverage until the time of your death. How does variable life insurance differ? When you invest money into this type of insurance policy you will also be given a cash value … [Read more...]
Have A CD That Will Expire Soon?
What happens when you have a CD that will expire soon? Should you cash out the money or reinvest the funds into another CD? It is always important to compare rates online to find out which banks are offering the best interest rates on CDs and other investments. You need to be able to find an investment that is going to provide you with the right type of interest rate for your account, giving you the best returns possible for your investments. Here are some suggestions on what you should do with … [Read more...]