Dear Christine, My husband and I saved up for years so I could stay home when we have kids. Now that we have had our first baby, and it is down to one income, my husband is suddenly referring to our money as “his” money. He will say phrases like, “I make the money. I should be able to decide if we need that or not.” Or, “I don’t want you to spend any more of my money on baby clothes.” He is successful, but I was also very successful at what I did and I made a lot of money so it is hard to … [Read more...]
Is LendingClub a Smart Investment? (Part 1)
Lendingclub is a Peer-to-Peer lending network which matches individual lenders to individual borrowers. Their goal is to provide better loan rates to borrowers and higher returns to loan investors by cutting out the marketing, administrative, and infrastructure costs of the banking and credit card industries. According to their site, the average loan rate is 13.9% APR and the average return for investors is 9.5%, which is much - much higher than even the highest money market accounts, high … [Read more...]