A lot of real estate agents are looking at the housing market and convincing a lot of people to purchase homes that they cannot afford thanks to the lower interest rates. It is important that you focus on understanding your financial situation first to know if you can actually afford a home. Even with all the interest rates that are low, you have to be careful when making an investment in real estate.Emotional buyers can easily end up in a home that they cannot afford or they end up letting some … [Read more...]
When Is It Time To Buy A Home?
If you have been saving up money for a down payment on a home, 2012 may be the best time to buy! Interest rates for real estate are at an all-time low and many people are able to cash in on the tremendous savings. Debating if you should buy a home in the middle of the year or to wait toward the end is up to you but keep in mind that the low interest rates for mortgages will not last forever. There are some things that you need to consider when you are back and forth on your decision to buy a … [Read more...]