There are millions of Americans that are swimming in debt and don’t know how to break the debt cycle. If you pay off one credit card and then find yourself using it again when you have other debts to pay back, you haven’t learned from your poor spending habits in the past and will continue the debt cycle for years. There are many people that try to justify debt and to claim that some debts are good and others are bad. Having a little debt on your credit card is “normal” right? Well if you cannot … [Read more...]
Building Your Savings With Money Market Accounts
How can money market accounts assist you in being able to build a strong savings account? Money market accounts provide you with a high interest rate compared to other savings account options like a traditional savings account. If you are looking into different options to build your savings, here are some options that can help you in creating a nice savings account. Using Money Market Accounts A money market account allows you to build a nice savings account as you are able to earn a higher … [Read more...]
Earning More With A High Interest Rate Money Market
How much money is your high interest rate money market account providing you with? If you do not compare rates often, you could be losing out on a lot of earnings with your money market account. Using a money market account, you can greatly increase your savings just by adding money to the account each month. Many people use automatic deposits in order to help them grow their money market account. Local Bank Vs. Online Banks Many local banks will provide high interest rate money market … [Read more...]
ING Money Market Account – Now Capital One 360
If you have a savings account, you need to consider transferring it over to an ING money market account. Recently Capital One merged with ING Direct. At ING you will be able to earn up to 5 times the national savings rate, allowing you to maximize your investment in a hurry. A money market account is a great investment as it is relatively low risk and it does provide you with a great option to help you save money quickly. When comparing rates on money market accounts you will see that ING is … [Read more...]
Want to Feel Richer? Try Going Minimal
When my cat killed my fish, I held onto the fish bowl because I had spent over $40 to get all of the accessories. I held onto it for years thinking that I would get another fish. However I didn’t get another fish so it stayed in a cupboard for four years. That would be OK except I did that with a lot of stuff. We all save something that we think that we will use some day. Do you remember how it feels when you lose pounds or get out of debt? It is like a weight has been lifted. You feel happier. … [Read more...]