Dear Christine, I have been living paycheck to paycheck for at least three years now. Whenever I think that things are going better an emergency comes up and I am right back to where I started again. I have a good job as a nurse but I work long hours and all I want to do is crash when I get home. I can’t do some of the things that I want to do like go on vacations, got to lunch with friends or buy nice things. How can I get out of this cycle? “Down in Denver” Dear "Down in Denver," … [Read more...]
How to Get the Best Savings Account Rates
Finding the best savings rates will vary with each institution that you research. Some companies offer higher interest rates from others based on their investments. To ensure that you are making the most amount of money possible you need to take advantage of the highest savings account rates you can find. Some of the factors that impact the savings account rates include the following: Savings rates established by the Fed Economic health Value of the US dollar Financial integrity of the … [Read more...]
Why Choose a High-Yield Savings Account
There are numerous options available to save your money but out of all the options the thing that will impact how much you can earn is the interest rate. Selecting a high-yield savings account is one of the best ways to save up for a rainy day and to also focus on earning more money than you can with a traditional savings account. Traditional Savings Account When you open a savings account with a traditional bank you are often stuck with a very small interest rate. The average interest rate … [Read more...]
Where Can I Find the Best Savings Rates
Having an emergency cash fund is a great way to protect yourself financially. Finding the best savings rates can be a bit of a chore but thanks to helpful money market comparison charts, you can eliminate a lot of the time you spend trying to find out which banks are going to give you the best return for your investment. Keeping your money only in one investment like savings accounts can be a losing investment as you will hardly earn anything off a 0.17% interest rate. Opening an online money … [Read more...]