Are you in the market for a highest interest savings account? Where can you find a good savings account that will be able to provide you with a great opportunity to earn more money in interest than what you will get with a traditional savings account? Many people start with their local banks but the best place to find the highest interest savings account is by looking for them online. Use our helpful high interest savings rate tool in order to see the best rates on savings accounts so you can … [Read more...]
20 Tips To Save Money
Finding ways to save money is not always an easy process, let alone taking the time to find the best money market rate and set up a money market account or savings account. There are many people that are confused as to how they can save money and they do not budget properly, making it harder and harder for them to put away anything in money market accounts. So what can you do in order to build up a nice nest egg? Here are some great tips on how to save money that will really be able to help … [Read more...]
Best Places To Save Money In Your 20’s and 30’s
Saving money is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family. Young investors often struggle when it comes to saving their money and knowing where to save their money. If you are looking for places to save money in your 20’s and 30’s, here are some great options to consider. Savings Account Everyone of every age needs to have a savings account. Most banks will provide you with a free savings account when you open a checking account. Having a savings account is vital … [Read more...]
Investing Money While In College
The average college graduate will end up with about $19,000 in debt. This debt usually comes from student loans but it can also come from credit cards and poor money management. It is important to manage your money wisely in college so you do not live paycheck to paycheck once you graduate. In some cases student loans are necessary and it is likely that you will plan on having $150,000 in debt when you graduate with a doctorate or another post-graduate degree. Good financial advisors will be … [Read more...]
Exposed: Famous Banks With The Worst Fees & How to Bank Fee-Free
Take a step into your metropolitan “downtown” district. Take notice of the largest buildings in that district. Whose names are on those buildings? Shocking that they usually are names of very large banking institutions! Interesting how banks who seem to have very large physical presences, have some of the highest fees for banking. Below is a chart of the 16 banks with the most U.S. deposits, and how much they made in fees on these deposit accounts during 2008. The right-most column is a … [Read more...]