One of the best ways to protect yourself financially is by opening a savings account. A savings account is a great way to set aside money for a rainy day fund along with the ability to earn money just by placing it in an account. High yield savings accounts will provide you with higher interest rates from a traditional savings account. The UFB Direct Airline Rewards Savings Account is one of the few savings accounts out there that is providing customers with a 1.30% APY. Not only do you have the … [Read more...]
Smart Ways to Save Money
How much money are you setting aside into your savings account? If you are not saving money, you could be leaving yourself vulnerable in the event of a large financial problem such as a job loss or medical expenses. Saving at least 10% of each paycheck is a great start to help you start focusing on saving money and building a large emergency cash reserve. Most banks will offer a free savings account when you open a checking account with them but the interest rate on the savings may be very low. … [Read more...]
Why Choose a High-Yield Savings Account
There are numerous options available to save your money but out of all the options the thing that will impact how much you can earn is the interest rate. Selecting a high-yield savings account is one of the best ways to save up for a rainy day and to also focus on earning more money than you can with a traditional savings account. Traditional Savings Account When you open a savings account with a traditional bank you are often stuck with a very small interest rate. The average interest rate … [Read more...]
Finding the Best Savings Account Available
Saving money is one of those things we know we should all be doing, but how many of us really are? It might be hard to just make ends meet, but if you have any extra money, find the best savings account and start investing now! How to Start Saving When it comes to saving money, what works for one person might not work for another. Some people enjoy having a budget to follow, knowing where every cent is going, while others live life more free. Some people find joy in balancing a … [Read more...]
FNBO July 2011 Promotion (expired)
When it comes to saving money, one important thing to always remember is to deposit money into the account on a regular basis. FNBO is offering existing customers a better interest rate just for remembering to deposit money into their savings account.Details of the AccountFNBO Direct is offering a way to help their current customers save even more of their own money. But, time is running out. To take advantage of this offer, you have to act quickly. To qualify for the great rate on your money, … [Read more...]
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