Want to learn how to save money? You have to have a good income source if you hope to save money. Do you have a job that provides for all of your needs and then offers you additional money to put towards your savings account? If you are barely living paycheck to paycheck you need to consider your other options that are available to help you pay down your debts and to put more money toward your savings account. There are also some simple changes that you can do that will enable you to save money. … [Read more...]
"Tricking" Yourself To Save Money
Dear Christine, I have the worst time saving money. My “rainy day” fund is used up every other paycheck. From a new set of tires here…to a new set of brake pads there -- I cannot keep up. Someone said that you need 5-8 months savings. I can’t even save up 5-8 days! Why is it so hard? “No Savings in Salt Lake” Dear “No Savings,” Life gets expensive and things come up all of the time; I know. There is a big trick to savings when you have a lot of expenses – saving small amounts and then … [Read more...]
Help With The Best Reviewed Savings Accounts
A great way to help you save money is by checking into some of the best reviewed savings accounts. These accounts will allow you to find out which banks are going to provide you with the highest interest rates for online savings. We have put together a list of the best online savings accounts to help you find a great bank to work with and help you really maximize your potential to save money.Ally BankOver the years [mma bank='Ally Bank' alt= 'Ally Bank']Ally Bank[/mma] has continued to provide … [Read more...]
Finding The Best Account For Saving Money For One Year
How can you find the best account for saving money for one year? It comes down to doing your research and understanding the different type of investment accounts that are out there. For short-term savings like this you should consider a 1-year CD or a money market account. Earning as much interest money as you can will help you to maximize your ability to save and grow your investment in 12 months. CD Account Opening an CD is a great way to help you save money. CD accounts provide you with a … [Read more...]
Researching Online Savings Account Rates 2011
Comparing online savings account rates 2011 is important to making sure you are getting the best rate for your savings goals. It is vital to compare rates often as they typically tend to change on a daily basis. You need to make sure that your money is accumulating interest and that it will be able to help you meet your savings goals. We update or comparison charts daily in order to provide you with the best online savings account rates 2011. Set Your Goals Savings account rates do change so … [Read more...]