How nice would it be to work less than 40 hours, actually eat lunch with friends instead of working at your desk, or not have to take extra work home with you? Books have been written and claims have been made that through "smart" work.You already have the know-how to do something like this in other areas of your life -- now just apply it to your work week. Let me explain how....Think of how hard and fast you work cleaning your house when you know that the in-laws are coming for dinner in two … [Read more...]
How I Save $75.77 Every Month on My Verizon Bill
Have you ever wondered if there was a way to drastically reduce your cell phone bill? My wife and I both have Droid smart phones with Verizon. Our total bill every month used to be $197.11. That means each of our phones was costing roughly $100 per month. I don’t auto-pay my phone bill because I want be sure I’m not paying extra for any unusual charges. Manually paying $197.11 every month made me want to research how to reduce my bill. Audit Your Plan Usage to Find Savings … [Read more...]
Why is Hosted by ScalaHosting
Like most businesses, I’m always searching for a way to reduce my fixed monthly costs. During an audit, I noticed I was paying more than I wanted for hosting. From past experiences I knew I would get more personalized customer service if I chose a smaller company. I found (which only hosts 18,000 websites compared to over 2 million hosted by HostGator). The pricing at saved me over $20 per month. The big surprise came when I first visited my site on the new … [Read more...]