Money market funds provide you with a great way to save money for your short-term or long-term investment needs. A money market fund is different from a money market account as the money in a fund will be used to invest it into low-risk securities. Why do many people turn to money market funds when they are looking to grow their money? The biggest reason is due to the low-risk investment that these funds provide you with but the downside is that they are not backed by the FDIC. Money Market … [Read more...]
How to Find the Best Money Market Rates
Anyone that has extra cash and wants to earn interest money on it may consider opening a money market account. Money market rates aren't too terribly impressive right now, however compared to the national average of savings accounts, opening a high yield money market account is well worth the few minutes it takes to sign up. Money market accounts allow you to earn more interest than you otherwise would just holding onto your money, and they're risk free! Currently, the highest money market … [Read more...]